Review: Pig Out Pigless Pork Rinds
Outstanding Foods has released a line of vegan pork rinds.
No Buy Update
A few personal care products and a fun affordable gift idea have helped with my low spend month.
Meal Prepping with The Simply Vegan Cookbook
If you're looking for truly simple recipes, consider The Simply Vegan Cookbook.
Plant Based Birthday Freebies
Many restaurants offer a free dessert on your birthday, but there are some other fun options as well.
New Year = No Buy
I'm doing a no buy month in January, and I'm excited to see where it takes me!
Review: Barr Necessities Cookies
The Empowered Cookie is a protein-rich treat, especially if you're looking for something vegan, gluten-free, and soy- and peanut-free.
Vegan Options at Alamo Drafthouse
Alamo Drafthouse movie theaters can be found around the country. They serve food at your seat, and they offer vegan options on their menu.